Family Therapy

Helping adults create stronger and healthier relationships to those closest to them.

“Why can’t we just get along?”

There comes a time in your life that you realize how different you are from your family. For many of us, this realization hurts. You so badly want to get along with your parents or be closer to your siblings, but it’s so difficult. It feels like you are constantly hurt by them or you somehow hurt them without even knowing why.

What is it about them that you feel the need to be close to them? There’s a lot that can be said for this inexplicable need to belong. Adult family members can improve their relationships with each other too, it’s not just for teenagers or blended families.

  • Learn to express your needs

  • Learn how to set boundaries

  • Share what you’ve been holding on to for so long and find a way to move forward

  • Express your desire of wanting to get along and grow closer

  • Find a space to be able to listen

  • Create new bonds