Hi, I’m Martha
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Associate
Supervised by Stephanie Zepeda, PhD
Finding the right therapist for your needs is a challenge in itself. You’re probably wondering if the therapist cares as much as you do, if she would have the best interest in helping your relationship succeed, how much does she actually know, how much will she be able to help, will she be judgmental and not get it, will I like her, will my partner like her?
All super valid and very common questions when finding a couples therapist you can trust. After all, your future may be depending on this therapy work.
My Approach
The driving force behind my work is that I truly want your relationship to work. I understand how vital it is for all humans to have healthy relationships, especially the most intimate ones. I believe in the foundation of families, however you define them. Having healthy relationships improves your quality of life, which creates happier environments for all. So yes, I’m rooting for you!
Let’s be honest, most of the time you probably don’t know what’s wrong, you just know things don’t feel right. We will explore where the breakdowns are, and help you identify what the problems are that you want to work on in therapy.
How well do you know how to communicate what is going on inside your mind? That’s where therapy will help. Learn how to communicate so your loved ones can listen and understand.
Learn to listen. Learn to empathize. Learn to disagree respectfully. Learn to adapt to differences. Learn to resolve conflict. Learn to solve issues and work together. Learn who your loved one truly is today.